5 Quotes & Sayings By Arthur Laffer

Arthur Laffer is a professor of economics at the University of Southern California and an adviser to the U.S. Treasury Department. He is widely respected for his work on economic policy and tax reform. His research on the long-term impacts of taxation on economic growth, employment, and business investment has influenced public policy across the country Read more

He is the author of the best-selling books The Wealth of Nations, A Theory of Public Policy, How Capitalism Will Save America (which was published in 13 countries), and The End of Prosperity: America's Coming Economic Collapse (which was translated into 19 languages). Laffer has coauthored books with three U.S. Presidents, serving as an advisor to both Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan; he also served as an economic advisor to George H.W.

Bush during his presidential campaign.

What I'm not saying is that all government spending is bad. It's not - far, far from it, but there is no free lunch, as a former colleague of mine used to say. There is no public tooth fairy. Father Christmas does not work on the Treasury staff this year. You can never bail someone out of trouble without putting someone else into trouble. Arthur Laffer
When you look at the world, everyone in the world who cares about his or her family wants to have a major portion of their assets in the United States because we are the growth country and the freedom loving country. Arthur Laffer
Because tax cuts create an incentive to increase output, employment, and production, they also help balance the budget by reducing means-tested government expenditures. A faster-growing economy means lower unemployment and higher incomes, resulting in reduced unemployment benefits and other social welfare programs. Arthur Laffer
I mean, everyone agrees with stress tests for banks. I mean that's clear. But banks should do that on their own. And they should worry about their own capital functioning. That's what they should do. It shouldn't be a government function. Arthur Laffer